For all you shopaholics and fashion victims.Pack your bags and hurry off to Paris next week for the famous Hermes winter sale at the Palais de Congres,Porte Maillot.From wednesday 20th till saturday 23rd January.Unfortunattely i am travelling to Japan next week so i have to pass on this one.One advice..get there early!
Yes, i am alive and well.Although the past few months heve been very hectic and i lacked the energy to write on this blog.My work is sometimes so straining i seem to sleep more then be awake on my off days.Its the price i have to pay for doing this job for so many years.Dont misunderstand me, i still love my job but the price i have to pay in regard to my body,social and love life is very high.I guess outsiders only see the nice part of my job, the travelling, the partying but dont realise how straining it is go through different time zones every week, going from extreme cold to tropical heat and working in a pressurized cabin environment which dries your body out.And not forgetting the many many nights i had to stay awake during flights.Those nights are the worst.You seem to be going in your auto pilot mode as i always call it.Only thinking and longing for your nice warm bed at home and imagining that far below you everybody is fast asleep.Your collegues get grumpy and silent because they feel the same.The worst part starts the last few hours before landing as you have to prepare breakfast and you feel sick of the smell of eggs which are warming up in the oven.You look in the mirror and its like watching a ghost and you think oh my god is that really me....and that at the time when your passengers are waking up and you have to go into the cabin.At this stage i solely have to rely on my routine because i am not thinking anymore,only praying to end this missery as quick as possible.But do the passengers notice or realise how tired i am.I guess not.My fake cabin smile is so professional they cant see the difference .Reminds me of a flight i had from Buenos Aires to Amsterdam , around 14 hours of which 11 hours working time, when we arrived a lady asked me if i was going to be on her flight to Capetown a few hours later.My god what was she thinking hehe.t Probably hat i am a kind of superman who doesnt need sleep and can go on on lol. Anyway i am now enjoying my last few days off at home in cold and snowy Amsterdam.Next week Osaka, Japan is calling and despite everything i told you overhere...i am really looking forward to that trip!;-)
I look outside my window and all i see are the dark skies and the rain that goes on and on each day.Autumn has finally arrived.It s that time of year that warm and sunny summer days are only a memory of a distant past.It s a time of reflection on my life too, which tends to make me feel a little down.Another year almost past, not the best year of my life ,with lots of ups and downs.It wasnt easy, but i managed to get back on my feeth again and to be in full control of my life again.I certainly hate to be dependent on the care of other people .Being a patient is not the best role i played.Like my best friends always tell me i m much too dominating and stubborn to be cared for by anyone (sorry again, dear nurses and doctors for my bad behaviour).But the one lesson i learned this year is that my time has become precious .There are so many things i still want to experience and i feel down as i realise i might not have enough time, because life can change within a day which happened to me in the past year. I made the decision to take unpaid leave next year which makes it possible for me too be a few months off duty and go for an extensive holiday to realise a part of my dreams.I am planning to travel through Asia and Australia.I always used to go backpacking untill a few years ago and because i feel thats the best way to travel around i will go for it again.I m getting a little old to be a backpacker, but what the hack,i never cared how other people think about me hehe.
I will leave you with this clip from the movie 'Mame' .Watch this movie with the great Lucy Ball as the eccentric, fun loving Mame and Bea Arthur(Dorothy from 'the Golden Girls!)as her best friend ,Vera. Whenever you feel a little down it will certainly brighten up your day.At least it did mine!
"Life is a banquet ..but most people choose to be starving to death""
It s been some time since my last posting overhere.All due to the fact that i m back in business again and crossing the Planet Earth from west till east and north to south again, meaning i have made my comeback as a flight attendant after a long period of illness.Strangely it feels like as i have never been away and even my wonderfull fake smile didnt need much practise again.
But honestly, it did feel good to be able to walk in Central Park again, swim in the Carribean sea and throwing myself in the glittering gay nightlife of Sao Paolo.I m a gypsy by nature and so feel happy when i can travel around .After all my flying years i still love my job.It gives me a sense of freedom and lightness.
I m looking forward to my next trip which will be Bangkok.A 5 days layover! It is a great way to enjoy the shopping malls, weekend market, the delicious thai food and the sleazy night life again hehe.So i come!
The Great Mercedes Sosa has passed away this week.The Argentinian born singer who was called "the Voice of the Voiceless" , a name she aquired for her enduring effort to the fight against dictatorship and poverty in Latin-America since the 1970-ies.She showed tremendous courage by not stopping perform during the years of dictatorship in Argentina and keep on bringing the message of freedom to her audience.I had the privilige of attending a concert of her in Utrecht here in Holland some years ago.'La Negra', as she was nicknamed too,to me was a powerfull presence on the stage.For those not familiar with her songs i have added a clip of her most famous song,'Gracias a la Vida'(Thanks to Life).I know this great lady will surely be missed by many and may she be remembered always in her magnificent songs
After spending 3 weeks in S.E. Asia i m finally home again.Had a lovely holiday in Bali and Malaysia.I do miss Bali a lot already.It s such a charming island with its natural beauty and nice beaches that i keep comming back there every year.And not to mention the local restaurants with their delicious food.I especially like the Antique restaurant located next to the Mixwell gay bar on Dhyana Pura.The waiters are so friendly and the fusion food is to die for. My villa was located near to the beach so almost every day i went for a stroll along the beach and watch the marvelous sunset.And after a quick dive in ocean it was time to return to the house for sunset cocktails at the pool before hitting town I feel refreshed and guess i really needed this holiday to forget the health problems i encountered in the past year.T ime for a new start!
Hilarious series from the BBC about a gay guy and his foul mouthed female flat mate.Unfortunattely not running anymore.Watch the first part of this special millenium special