Yes, i am alive and well.Although the past few months heve been very hectic and i lacked the energy to write on this blog.My work is sometimes so straining i seem to sleep more then be awake on my off days.Its the price i have to pay for doing this job for so many years.Dont misunderstand me, i still love my job but the price i have to pay in regard to my body,social and love life is very high.I guess outsiders only see the nice part of my job, the travelling, the partying but dont realise how straining it is go through different time zones every week, going from extreme cold to tropical heat and working in a pressurized cabin environment which dries your body out.And not forgetting the many many nights i had to stay awake during flights.Those nights are the worst.You seem to be going in your auto pilot mode as i always call it.Only thinking and longing for your nice warm bed at home and imagining that far below you everybody is fast asleep.Your collegues get grumpy and silent because they feel the same.The worst part starts the last few hours before landing as you have to prepare breakfast and you feel sick of the smell of eggs which are warming up in the oven.You look in the mirror and its like watching a ghost and you think oh my god is that really me....and that at the time when your passengers are waking up and you have to go into the cabin.At this stage i solely have to rely on my routine because i am not thinking anymore,only praying to end this missery as quick as possible.But do the passengers notice or realise how tired i am.I guess not.My fake cabin smile is so professional they cant see the difference .Reminds me of a flight i had from Buenos Aires to Amsterdam , around 14 hours of which 11 hours working time, when we arrived a lady asked me if i was going to be on her flight to Capetown a few hours later.My god what was she thinking hehe.t Probably hat i am a kind of superman who doesnt need sleep and can go on on lol.
Anyway i am now enjoying my last few days off at home in cold and snowy Amsterdam.Next week Osaka, Japan is calling and despite everything i told you overhere...i am really looking forward to that trip!;-)
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