It s been some time since my last posting overhere.All due to the fact that i m back in business again and crossing the Planet Earth from west till east and north to south again, meaning i have made my comeback as a flight attendant after a long period of illness.Strangely it feels like as i have never been away and even my wonderfull fake smile didnt need much practise again.
But honestly, it did feel good to be able to walk in Central Park again, swim in the Carribean sea and throwing myself in the glittering gay nightlife of Sao Paolo.I m a gypsy by nature and so feel happy when i can travel around .After all my flying years i still love my job.It gives me a sense of freedom and lightness.
I m looking forward to my next trip which will be Bangkok.A 5 days layover! It is a great way to enjoy the shopping malls, weekend market, the delicious thai food and the sleazy night life again hehe.So Bangkok....here i come!
gosh, I so envy you!!!