Today was supposed to be a day to celebrate the birthday of the Queen.This day is famous for it s big gay parties in streets of Amsterdam,dance parties on various locations.Traditionally the whole city is covered in colour orange as the name of the royal family is Orange-Nassau.
The royal family planned to celebrate at the summer palace ,Het Loo palace in Apeldoorn , a small city about an hour from Amsterdam.Around 100000 people turned up to watch the Queen and her family.Around 11.30am they started a tour by car to watch the festivities.All went well untill suddenly a car with full speed broke through the safety barricades and on its way hit 17 people.It came till a standstill when it crashed into the monument for Queen Wilhelmina, just at the time the royal motorcade passed by just a few meters away.Immediately the secret service speeded up the motorcade to return to the palace.
First aid and reanimation was performed by the red cross.But sadly 5 people had died and 6 persons severely injured.The driver of the car was still conscious when police arrived at the wreckage.He told them his action was deliberate and he wanted to hit the royal motorcade.He was removed from wreckage and is in critical condition
All celebrations were cancelled and the national flag was lowered to half mast as sign of mourning.
This awfull attempt to hurt the royal family has left the country in a shock.People ask how and why this could happen in a friendly small country like Holland.I dont know what are the motives for this attack.Only it feels like the world around us is becomming more and more a strange and dangerous place to live in.