Still jet lagged and feeling lazy i have returned home from a work trip to SFrisco.Just a few days lay over but enough time to experience the wonders of that magical city on the Bay.Gosh how i luv this city.It s totally un-american in its city plan and most of all the people,they are sooo relaxed.
I got on a cable car and went to Fishermen s warf.A bit touristic but i like to watch the Golden Gate bridge and the best view is around there.
In evening i went to Castro district with a fellow gay collegue.And we certainly had a good time overthere.I was waiting at the traffic lights and handsome light chocolate coloured guy crossed the street from opposite site.We exchanged glances but i couldnt help to ve a peak over my shoulder and he was doing the same lol!He gave me a big smile and kept on looking.But then my collegue urged me to hurry ..he didnt want us to be late for our dinner reservation ...mmmm...geeh...bad luck....Why this kind of thing always happens when its NOT convenient.
Anyway after a nice dinner we had a few drinks in the local gay scene.But we were sooo tired that we left for hotel at 9.30pm already
But for sure i slept like a baby but with a smile on my face thinking about mr.Chocolate....you made my day!